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App Installs Requirements

In this guide, we'll cover the prerequisites and steps necessary to configure your account for the app installs campaign objective.


App installs is a campaign objective that enables you to promote your app on Facebook products and get people to install your mobile app.

This campaign objective is perfect for mobile app developers launching a new app.

On the other hand, seasoned app marketers can use the app installs objective to optimize for in-app events and obtain big-ticket users with value optimization.

Account Requirements

Here are the steps to follow to prepare your account for app installs campaigns:

  1. Register your app on the Facebook Developer's site. Register your app here.
  2. Link your ad account with the app you want to promote. Your app developer or anyone who has administrative privileges in your registered Facebook app can link ad accounts to an app under "Settings>Advanced" in the app's App Dashboard.
  3. Configure Facebook SDK and app events. This step is crucial if you want to optimize and track for installs, app events, or value. Learn more here.
  4. Update your business account to fit the latest iOS 14 requirements for apps. Learn more here.

Using App Installs Objective

Before you launch your first app installs campaign with Scalify, make sure to:

  • Your account is setup to optimize for either installs, app events, or value
  • Your app is published on the app markets supported by Facebook
  • For apps with multiple versions available in certain countries, make sure you're promoting the right country version of the app.